About Us

The C.G. Jung Club of Orange County is an all-volunteer non-profit organization established in 1974 which most recently updated its Articles of Association in 2010 and its Bylaws in 2024. The founding President was Peter P. Coukoulis.

The Club provides quality educational programs designed to promote the study, discussion and understanding of Jungian Psychology, also known as Analytical Psychology. The Club also has an extensive Jungian Library (including a complete set of Jung’s Collected Works) for members-only use.  

The Club’s programs elaborate and amplify the ideas of C.G. Jung by exploring diverse perspectives of Jungian psychology, as well as a wide range of subjects studied by Jung and his followers, such as mythology and comparative religion.  We seek to understand the human psyche through the psychological theories and therapeutic methods pioneered by C.G. Jung and the current use of Jungian concepts by contemporary Jungian analysts.

The programs are directed toward the interests of mental health practitioners, individuals from related disciplines, and the general public. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Clinical Social Workers, Professional Clinical Counselors, and Educational Psychologists can gain from our programs a deeper understanding of psychological theory and/or clinical practice from an Analytical Psychology/Jungian perspective.

Respecting Our Life:  The Legacy of C.G. Jung

From the President

As President of the C.G. Jung Club of Orange County, I feel privileged to be a part of this long-standing successful organization.  We are committed to our mission of promoting an interest in and understanding of Jungian psychology through the presentation of programs open to members and the general public.

I hope you will choose to attend one or more of our upcoming programs which may prove significant in your personal journey toward individuation.  Our Program Officer, Holly Fincher, PhD, a Jungian analyst, has developed an inspired array of topics and speakers to hold our attention as well as to assist each one of us in doing our own transformative work.

Please join us in this exciting, creative and collective journey.  We look forward to seeing you.

Judy Kaufman

2024-2025 Board of Directors

President:   Judy Kaufman
Treasurer:  Linda Duchein
Secretary:  Theresa "Terri" Integlia
Continuing Education Managers:
Linda Duchein, Judy Kaufman
Librarian:  Michael Whyte
Program Officer:   Holly Fincher
Publicity Officer:  Judy Kaufman
Webmaster:  Judy Kaufman
Zoom Officer: Judy Kaufman

Members at Large:
Charell Charlie
Gloria Guzman
Janet Hartmann Jones
Patricia Larkin
Paula Ste Marie

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held bimonthly. Any member wishing to attend is welcome.  Call (714) 964-5741 for specifics or e-mail the Board.

Have A Question?

Call the Club telephone (714) 964-5741 at any time for recorded program, registration, membership or other information, and also you can leave a message, or, e-mail the Board. The appropriate board member will return your call or email.