The Man and the Mermaid:
Dissolution and Differentiation in Relation to the Anima

Presented by
Charles Zeltzer, PhD 

link to audio file


Sunday, February 7, 2016    
4:00 pm PST - 6:00 pm PST

The Man and the Mermaid:

Dissolution and Differentiation in Relation to the Anima
Presented by Charles Zeltzer, PhD
Sunday, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, February 7th, 2016

link to audio file

What occurs when masculine consciousness encounters the feminine? What occurs when a weak ego experiences the unconscious? Through story and image of men’s interactions with siren, mermaid, and many more female figures, we will examine the nature of the encounter between these “foreign objects”: the projections, the allure, the dangers and pitfalls, and the potential of graces bestowed.

Course objectives:

Describe several possible interactions in which masculine consciousness encounters the feminine.

Explore the nature and the danger of a weak ego.


Charles T. Zeltzer, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and has been a certified Jungian analyst since 1992. He is currently in private practice, with offices in Ventura and Santa Monica, California. He was the Director of Training at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. He is a long-time member of the editorial board of the Jungian journal, Psychological Perspectives, where he has been the guest editor for special issues on Jung and the East, and fairy tales. He has spoken throughout the United States and Europe on the body in relation to the inner journey of encountering early trauma. He has also lectured on many aspects of the religious dimension of the psyche, including alchemy, Kundalini Yoga, the Roman Catholic Mass as an alchemical process, and the role of the alchemical god Mercurius in our everyday lives. Dr. Zeltzer has specialized in leading seminars on Jung’s alchemical works, and since 2003 he has conducted a line-by-line discussion of Jung’s magnum opus, Mysterium Coniunctionis.