Like the “three journeymen” in this Grimm’s tale, we are all presented at times in life with seemingly insurmountable problems. When this happens, what is our best response? What attitude must we have to face these challenges and overcome them? In the reading and interpretation of this medieval tale, we will explore the archetypical themes of suffering, despair, faith, hope and ultimately wholeness and individuation brought about by the paradoxically “dark” forces within the unconscious. After the lecture we will continue with a group discussion of the tale, its symbols and possible meaning.
William Grevatt, MEd, EdD, is a Jungian-based therapist and educator practicing in Los Angeles and a candidate at the C.G. Jung Study Center of Southern California. He has presented widely both here and abroad on issues related to personal growth, human potential and success. He received his education at Loyola College in Montreal, the University of Cambridge in England, the University of Toronto, and the University of California at Los Angeles. Website: