C.G. Jung, the Jews and the Lingering Shadow of Anti-Semitism  

Presented by
Barbara D. Stephens, Ph.D. 


Friday, February 26, 1999    
8:00 pm PST - 10:00 pm PST

C.G. Jung, the Jews and the
Lingering Shadow of Anti-Semitism
presented by
Barbara D. Stephens, Ph.D.
February 26, 1999

Charges of anti-Semitism and Nazi collaboration have shrouded the reputation of C.G. Jung and, in some circles, continues to negatively affect the public’s perception of analytical psychology. The Jungian community has attempted to respond to these charges in a variety of ways: joint conferences with Hebrew colleges, scholarly texts and articles, dialogues.

The shroud, however, continues to linger. Why? Dr.Stephens will explore the historical facts which constitute the evidence for charges of anti-Semitism some of which are often glossed over, or rarely mentioned in mainstream Jungian circles. Using this material as a base, she will then examine the question of why these charges of anti-Semitism continue to emerge and what the persistence of this lingering shadow “symptom” might mean for the Jungian community’s understanding of itself.

Barbara D. Stephens, Ph.D.is a Jungian Analyst and Clinical Psychologist in private practice in West Hollywood, CA.