Christiana’s Visions

Presented by
Lawrence E. Hedges, Ph.D., ABPP 


Friday, May 11, 2001    
8:00 pm PDT - 10:00 pm PDT

Christiana’s Visions
presented by
Lawrence E. Hedges, Ph.D., ABPP
May 11, 2001

Seeking relief from a general discontentment with her life, Christiana Morgan traveled to Zurich to be in analysis with Carl Jung in 1926. After a few preliminary dreams, Jung taught Christiana how to go into deep trances in order to let her mind form images and visions which could give her more waking access to her unconscious thought and processes.

For a year, Christiana produced dreams and visions that she faithfully recorded in her journal along with paintings of many of them. Jung was so greatly impacted by the beauty and insight contained in her visions and paintings that he declared there was enough fresh material for the next two hundred years of analytic study. He borrowed her journals from 1930 to 1934 for study in his weekly seminars. Dr. Hedges’ presentation will follow Christiana’s analysis through artwork, journal entries, and notes taken at Jung’s seminars. Christiana’s work has foreshadowed many developments in the contemporary women’s movement and predicts many more trends in psychoanalytic work of the future.

Lawrence E. Hedges, Ph. D., ABPPis a psychologist-psychoanalyst in private practice in Orange, California, specializing in the training of psychotherapists and psychoanalysts. He is director of the Listening Perspectives Study Center and founding director of the Newport Psychoanalytic Institute. He holds faculty appointments at the California Graduate Institute and the Department of Psychiatry, UCI. Dr. Hedges holds Diplomates from the American Board of Professional Psychology and the American Board of Forensic Examiners. He is author of numerous papers and books on the practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

Link to Dr. Hedges’ website