Sacred Selfishness:
The Path of Love and Authenticit

Presented by
Bud Harris, Ph.D. 


Friday, October 1, 2004    
8:00 pm PDT - 10:00 pm PDT

Sacred Selfishness
The Path of Love andAuthenticity

Presented by
Bud Harris, Ph.D.

Friday, October 1, 2004, 8:00 pm

“When our true inner realities are expressed in our simplest and most ordinary acts, our lives become expositions of our Selves…”

~Bud Harris

In his seminars on Nietzsche’sZarathustra, Jung emphasized that we must eat the gold in the world until we are made of gold and not of hunger. If we do not, we become empty people who consume ourselves and feed on others. This presentation will place this idea within the context of individuation. Sacred selfishness will be considered a foundation for growing self-knowledge and authentic self-love, without which our notions of love often reflect needy psychological pursuits, idealistic fantasies, or sentimental hopes.