Musings on Death

Presented by
Cydny Rothe, LCSW 

audio file available to Club members upon email request


Sunday, November 3, 2013    
4:00 pm PST - 6:00 pm PST

Musings on Death
Presented by
Cydny Rothe, LCSW, BCD

audio file available to Club members uponemail request
Sunday, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, November 3rd, 2013

Being willing to engage with life and maintain a sense of purpose while holding a connection to the certainty and mystery of death allows the individual to connect to an inner sense of vitality in the presence of the aging process. Drawing from personal anecdotes and amplifying through examples from the arts, we will examine some of the attitudes that inform death and aging. These reflections are linked to Jung’s ideas about the relativization of the ego in the second half of life as well as the increasing importance of holding the opposites. Our willingness to consciously engage reflectively with the end of life holds opportunity for richness and deepening.

Cydny Rothe, LCSW, BCD, is a Jungian analyst in Pasadena. She is a member analyst of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles where she serves as faculty, as a member of the Institute Board of Directors and Chairs the Certifying Board. She gives talks and workshops on writing, film, dreams and the group unconscious. She also serves on the Board of GREX (Latin for flock), the West coast affiliate of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Groups, which studies the impact of the unconscious on groups and organizations.