A classic Grimm’s tale, Snow-White and Rose-Red is the story of two innocent girls who encounter an angry dwarf that they repeatedly help escape perilous situations despite his ungrateful and demeaning attitude toward them.
Psychologically, this is a story of the development of the inner masculine, that is, the animus in the woman’s psyche. This presentation will explore how the negative animus, represented by the angry dwarf, must be encountered, endured and ultimately transformed as we strive toward consciousness and individuation.
Holly Fincher, PhD, is a candidate at the C.G. Jung Study Center of Southern California as well as at the Research and Training Centre for Depth Psychology according to G.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz in Zurich. She is a licensed psychologist in private practice as a Jungian-based therapist in Orange County, and for more than 12 years she has been an active member serving on the board of the C.G. Jung Club of Orange County. She is also an adjunct faculty member at Pacifica Graduate Institute.
Part of the series “Basic Jung: The Interpretation of Fairy Tales”